SCIO Community Magazine

About Community Magazine

The SCIO Community Magazine is published by the Marketing & Communications Department of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario. Reach us at A printed edition is distributed two times per year to our community across Ontario. The online and printed issues may differ in content.

On this site, under the menu heading of The Magazine you’ll find our CEO’s Opening Notes; under SCIO in Action, articles relating to our programs, services, community activities and philanthropy; under Voices, personal essays by and profiles on people in the SCIO community; under Wellness, articles relating to health, well-being and living with an SCI; under Home & Away, travel, real estate, home modification and finances; and under Progress, what’s new and progressive in SCI research and technology, accessibility and disability, and advances in our aim to improve equity and inclusion in our province.

We appreciate the talents and support of all those who contribute to these publications:

Managing Editor
Zina Atkinson

Creative Design
Easton Media

Digital Team
Easton Media

Imagery courtesy of SCIO staff, contributing writers or advertisers, with minimal stock photography. Professional photographers are attributed where appropriate.

The opinions expressed in Community are those of article authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

Products and services advertised or described in Community are not tested or endorsed by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

For editorial inquiries, to discuss a submission or for information on advertising in Community, please contact us at

SCIO Website


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