Spring is a time of new beginnings. This is particularly true for SCIO this year. On March 31st, we closed out our fiscal year and the last year of our old Strategic Plan. Read more...
Independence is a simple concept. At its core, it means having autonomy over your own life. It is the foundation of adulthood, the ability to determine our own actions and make our own decisions.
"Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote." In this issue, SCIO delves into advocacy for the disability community. Find out more!
"There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." In this issue, SCIO delves into disability and employment. Find out more!
Last summer, as we were struggling through the first 6 months of the pandemic, the spotlight shone brightly on not only the many pre-existing barriers to full inclusion that our community members face every day, but on...
As I write this in early spring, the opposing forces of sun and wind, of light and shade, so eloquently described by Charles Dickens, seems apropos of our current reality: lockdowns and easing restrictions; rising case...
When I think about the core characteristics of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, one phrase always come to mind: Honest Optimism. This is a phrase we used a lot three or four years ago when we were refocusing our strategic...
I’m thinking a lot about our founders who gathered back in 1945, struggling with the newness of spinal cord injuries after the hardship of war, driven by a singular vision: independence.
Opening Notes: What makes a powerful partnership? As we prepare to wrap up another fiscal year on March 31, we take stock of our strength as an organization. We look at what factors were at play in our successes...
Opening Notes: 2018-19 – The end of an era and a new beginning There is absolutely no doubt of the great value skilled attendants bring to our community. You only need witness the devastating impact of the...
This past year has been an exciting one for SCIO. We celebrated our achievements and all the ways our community came together at our Annual General Meeting, held June 19 at Lyndhurst.
Under our new government, Ontario is changing, from drinking hours to funding structures. If the province is ‘a place to grow’, as our licence plates will announce next February, we want to make sure that’s true for...
We’ve enjoyed many important and entertaining magazine articles under the name Outspoken! over the last 14 years and, as you’ll see by this issue’s cover, we’ve taken the plunge and updated our publication’s name.