SCIO Community Magazine
Creating Change word mark

Creating Change

SCIO’s Public Policy team has been busy engaging the newly elected government to make our community’s most pressing needs heard. We are continuing to work closely with our team of advocates across the province to address key issues.


The Ontario Government recently announced a 5% increase to the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). While the change is a step in the right direction, it does not cover the costs of living with a disability. SCIO will continue to engage the government to improve access to equitable income for people with disabilities. 

Coverage for medical supplies continues to be one of the most pressing issues in our community. The Pee it Forward campaign tackled the importance of adequate funding for catheters, and we will continue to bring awareness to the gaps in coverage for life-saving equipment and medical supplies. 


New SCI research has been conducted on jurisdictional gaps in attendant services, medical supplies and assistive devices needed by Canadians living with SCI. The research was conducted by leading health care professionals in the country as well as SCIO’s  Director of Public Policy, Peter Athanasopoulos. Sign up for Public Policy updates by emailing us at [email protected] to read the Essential Needs Report. 

We are working with the City of Toronto, which has agreed to re-evaluate parking spaces in Toronto and look at the appropriate proportion of spaces in every parking lot. We are starting with Toronto as the largest metropolitan area, which will make an impact on other cities in the province. 

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