SCIO Community Magazine

Giving Tuesday

Philanthropy feels good and does good. And also happens to do a good job around tax time! SCIO’s Paul Livingston looks at the benefits of planned giving.

Did you know that when someone in Ontario needs a wheelchair, hospital bed or other equipment, these necessities are not fully funded by the government?

In fact, unless someone has additional insurance, they can expect to pay at least 25% of the cost, and in some cases, the full amount. When an item costs thousands of dollars, 25% can be impossible, especially when one’s financial well-being has likely been impacted by a spinal cord injury.

In the last six months, more than 50 people got the equipment and mobility aid they needed with the support of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario’s Enhancing Independence Program.

Thanks to our generous community, Giving Tuesday 2018 was a great success and $17,414 was raised in support of the Enhancing Independence Program, which provides essential equipment and mobility aids to people who need them but cannot afford them.

The success of the day was made possible with the support of individual donors and greatly assisted by PIA Law who generously matched the first $5,000 in a donation. 100% of funds raised go to the provision of equipment and mobility aids and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario pays for the costs of running the program.

“The law firms of PIA Law (McLeish Orlando, Oatley Vigmond and Thomson Rogers) were honoured to support Spinal Cord Injury Ontario’s Giving Tuesday initiative, in support of its Enhancing Independence Program, again this year,” said Patrick Brown, Managing Lawyer, PIA Law. “We are extremely grateful to all those who so generously donated to this incredibly important initiative.”

Thank you to all of the generous donors who contributed to our campaign. It’s great to see our community come together to support one another.

Giving Tuesday takes place every year on December 3, which coincides with the International Day of Disabled Persons. When you see an email or social post on this important day of giving please remember all those whose lives you can help change for the better.

Paul Livingston | Winter 2019

Paul Livingston is Senior Development Officer, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, Ottawa

SCIO Website


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