SCIO Community Magazine

I Give My Time Because…

Volunteer Spotlight

Elsa Lalonde

I give my time because I can share first-hand knowledge and experiences that doctors and nurses do not have. This is something I wish I had when I was 12 years old.
Je donne de mon temps parce que je peux partager des connaissances et des expériences vécues que les médecins et les infirmières n’ont pas. C’est quelque chose que j’aurais aimé avoir quand j’avais 12 ans. 

Paul Garrett 

I give my time because I believe life sent me on this journey to encourage others and at the same time learn about myself.

Nicole Cromwell

I give my time because I am able to offer Peer Support to those who are impacted by an SCI. This includes those on the periphery who are often overlooked when a friend or family member has undergone something so life-changing. I can share my life experiences regarding adaptive sports, travel, parenting, education, employment, driving and what it is like to acquire a spinal cord injury. If I am asked a question that I am unsure of, I can point them in the direction of another Peer Support volunteer who also welcomes         the opportunity to share their own lived experiences with a spinal cord injury.

Reno Candido

I give my support because I believe that connecting with individuals that have spinal cord injuries benefits everyone involved in so many ways!  The emotional and mental health benefits of volunteering are boundless and provide a profound sense of achievement.

Marg Veldhuizen

I give my time because I will gladly tell you and others that it is important to give our time because peer support is an essential part of accepting the “new me” after spinal cord injury.  Talking through what we feel with others who can identify firsthand is crucial in adjusting.  

Natavan (Navi) Khasiyeva

I give my time because I want to help people and be a part of my community. When I was at Lyndhurst, I was surrounded by amazing people that helped me learn to live with a spinal cord injury while still doing the things that I love. I hope that I can do even a fraction of that for someone else and volunteering makes that possible. 

Jake Aitcheson 

I give my time to SCIO because I’ve witnessed the profound impact this organization has had on my clients and within the London community. Through my involvement with Rolling Through Barriers and the Annual Roll and Bowl Tournament, I’ve been impressed by the passion and dedication of SCIO to improve accessibility and equity across Ontario. I’m proud to work with SCIO to champion excellence in service, support and advocacy for and with people with spinal cord injury. 

John Shamoon 

I give my time because there have been many who have given their time to me in the past. The effect has been monumental. It is my privilege to do the same for others. Spinal Cord Injury Ontario is the perfect place for me to do that!

Emily McIntyre

I give my time because after completing a research project with Spinal Cord Injury Ontario across the province, I’ve seen the pivotal role that they play in the community in navigating services, and in playing a supportive role in working with individuals to advance their life goals. It has been a blast building and growing our Comedy Night over the last 4 years, and I look 
forward to the years to come.

SCIO Website


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