SCIO Community Magazine
SCIo Vehicle Modification Show 2021

On the Road Again: Virtual Vehicle Modification Show

Building on 18 years of experience with vehicle modification events across the province, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario hosted “On the Road Again” – our first virtual, Canada-wide Vehicle Modification Show.

This comprehensive online event provided an incredible learning opportunity for the entire disability community across Canada. In this unique 3-part presentation, participants heard directly from the subject matter experts and were able to bring their questions directly to the floor. SCIO is pleased that we were joined by our sister spinal cord injury organizations from coast to coast for this event as well as guests from a number of other disability organizations. The series was proudly brought to our community in partnership with Silver Cross Automotive.

In the first session, we explored what it takes to get back “on the road again” following a spinal cord injury. Led by our colleagues at the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA), participants learned what is involved in the driving assessment process and about driver rehabilitation and training, as well as the funding sources available for vehicle modifications across Canada.

The latest trends in vehicle modification were highlighted in our second session. Silver Cross Automotive in collaboration with Vantage Mobility International (VMI) and Adapt Solutions took viewers on a virtual tour of the possibilities and considerations involved in finding the right vehicle to fit their needs. Many dreams were surely inspired by this session.

The third session was our community show and tell. What would an SCIO event be without peers helping peers? This session was an opportunity to see what people in our community are driving – from SUVs to motorcycles and everything in between. Community members shared their experiences with their vehicles and modifications and what influenced their choices. They also revealed tips on practical aspects of driving like how they transfer to and from their vehicle and many more valuable lessons that they have learned. This final session was led by Universal Motion.

This event also marked a great new model of collaboration between teams at SCIO. To bring an event like this to life takes a lot of different skills.  Kudos to our team members from Peer Program, Resource Development, Marketing and Communications, Knowledge Exchange and Information Technology for a job well done. 

Don’t worry if you missed out on the excitement – you can watch any or all 3 of the “On the Road Again” episodes at:

SCIO would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors and presenters for supporting this event and sharing their expertise with us.  We could not have done this without you!


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