SCIO Community Magazine
Kristen Cameron

Team Players

Whether she’s on the rugby pitch, in the office or hanging out with her service dog Fido. Toronto’s newest Peer Support Co-ordinator, Kristen Cameron is all about team work making the dream work.

Kristen Cameron came on board at SCIO this summer as our new Peer Support Co-ordinator, joining Lubna Aslam, Ivan Rendulic and Charlie Warriner in our Toronto office.  

Having played for the National and Ontario wheel chair rugby teams over the last five years, Kristen is well versed in sports culture.

We’re excited to welcome Kristen and her service dog Fido, and they’re already making a big impact.

Let’s hear from Kristen: What does a day in her life at SCIO look like…   

Q. How would you describe your role as a Peer Support Co-ordinator at SCIO?

As a Peer Support Co-ordinator I see my role as someone who gets to connect with people who have spinal cord injuries to support them through the new hardships they are facing. but also as someone who gets to highlight the positives and the potential in their recovery. My role is then to connect these individuals with people in the community who have a wealth of knowledge around the issues we face on a day-to-day basis. 

Q. What made you apply for the job?

When I read the job description, I felt it was almost a perfect fit with my skill set. I wasn’t looking for a job at the time, but I knew deep down I needed to apply. I had recently revamped my résumé upon completion of my degree, so the only other thing I needed to do was write a cover letter. I found myself on the front of my chair the entire time during the interview, thoroughly enjoying the process. 

Q. What are you looking forward to the most about your career at SCIO?

I look forward to growing as a Peer Support Co-ordinator and as a person during my time at SCIO. I find myself surrounded by impressive and motivating individuals in the workplace and hope my future at SCIO is bright. On a day-to-day basis I look forward to being a positive part of an individual’s recovery process. 

Q. What is the best part of your job?

So far, the best part of my job is whenever clients get excited to show me and/or tell me about the positive gains they are making. I also really enjoyed being part of the Peer Support team. 

Q. What does a day at work look like for you?

I get to work, spend a few minutes catching up on emails, meet with the guys on the team and discuss any issues or events going on. And then I generally spend the rest of the day meeting with clients, helping facilitate patient education sessions, checking in with clients in the community over the phone, and finding matches for clients with Peer Support volunteers in the community. 

Q. What would you say to someone who was considering a career at SCIO?

I think SCIO is an excellent place to work. You feel like you’re part of a team and are contributing towards a bigger picture for so many individuals. 

Q. When you’re not at work, what do you like to do?

Kristen playing rugby.

When I am not at work, I am an active member of the wheelchair rugby community, I love to exercise, and spend time with friends and family. 

Q. Do you have any hobbies?

My hobbies generally revolve around sports but I also enjoy music. My goal this winter is to learn to play the harmonica. 


Feature photo: Kristen and Fido enjoy the sunshine at the Lyndhurst Centre, SCIO’s Toronto office.


Spinal Cord Injury Ontario | Fall 2019

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