SCIO Community Magazine

Time to Celebrate

In this special 75th Anniversary Celebration edition, I’d like to congratulate the past and present SCIO staff, volunteers and board members who have dedicated themselves to providing vital services and essential support to people with spinal cord injuries.

Your vision, work and compassion have offered countless individuals a place of belonging and hope, created endless opportunities, helped build a more inclusive society and, most importantly, assisted people in regaining their independence. So I’d like to ask you all to join me in raising a glass to this caring, enthusiastic and devoted team on 75 years of extraordinary work! Of course, this is a nutrition column, hence I carefully chose this specific celebratory cocktail not only for its fitting name, but researched health benefits.

  • Champagne and gin are low-calorie alcoholic beverages.
  • Champagne contains anti-oxidants that can protect against heart disease.
  • Champagne helps prevent memory loss (a study at theUniversity of Reading determined that drinking one to three glasses of champagne each week can boost brain health).
  • Gin is made from the juniper berry which is packed with infection-fighting flavonoids.

Cheers SCI Ontario!

""French “75”

✓ 1 oz gin
✓ 2 oz champagne (or other favourite sparkling wine)
✓ ½ oz fresh lemon juice
✓ pinch sugar (optional)

Combine gin, lemon juice and sugar in champagne flute 2.Top with champagne. Add all ingredients to a food processor/blender and blend until smooth and creamy.

Joanne Smith is a dietitian specializing in nutrition for people with disabilities, and owner of Fruitful Elements,

SCIO Website


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